Zach Schoettler

Pen and ink, watercolors, markers, journals
Zach Schoettler is a Baltimore-based artist. After over ten years of owning and operating the restaurant Jack and Zach Foods in Mount Vernon, Zach put aside his chef hat and once again picked up his fountain pen. Chances are, if you ever came to the restaurant or bought eggs at the Waverly Farmers Market, he remembers what you ordered. Zach has always loved drawing - and credits his love of animals, playing music, farming, vegetables, and the great outdoors as sources of his inspiration. His work focuses on themes of play, imaginary worlds, systems and machines, natural wonders, and the everyday turned magical. When Zach is not drawing, he can be found doing one of the many activities that inspire his illustrations - fishing, taking long walks in the woods, cooking, losing at gin rummy, and making fun of his perfectly normal-sized dog, Minnow.

Kitchen Management

Three questions on inspiration with

Zach Schoettler

  • Describe an object that has inspired you
    I have a copy of Mattias Adolfsson book, “ All in Line” which is my most inspiring object. It is a wonderful collection of his drawings from his journals. It is full of beauty and I draw from it often in my work.
  • Describe a place that has inspired you
    It’s always hard to pinpoint exact inspiration and they are often changing. If pressed I’d say my dog Minnow is the most inspirational person I know. Also artist like Richard Scarry I’ve found very inspiring. I was born and raised in Baltimore, MD and it is a constant inspiration for my work. I have a copy of Mattias Adolfsson book, “ All in Line” which is my most inspiring object.
  • Describe a person that has inspired you
    Growing up learning from Richard Scarry books has been a life long inspiration. His characters are masterfully full of life and his settings are a wonder to look at in his books.
  • Unearth more inspirational people, places and objects