Matt Higgins

Oil, oil stick, flashe paint, acrylic and collage
Matt Higgins is an artist and art professor based in Philadelphia, Pa. He earned his BFA from West Chester University and his MFA from The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Before switching to painting he studied graphic design for the majority of his undergraduate career. These foundation skills in graphic design still fuel a lot his creative work today but for him, are better translated to paint instead of on the computer screen. Along with his studio practice he teaches drawing and design courses at a number of institutions including Drexel University, Moore College of Art and Design and Delaware County Community College. Teaching continually reinforces the work he does in his studio and fulfills his desire to give back to the next generation of up and coming artists and designers.

Zero Waste Landscape

Big Sun

Tropical Wasteland

Three questions on inspiration with

Matt Higgins

  • Describe an object that has inspired you
    I don't know if it is an object but the circle as either a geometric shape, a sun, or a moon has been what my work has mostly revolved around the past two years or so.
  • Describe a place that has inspired you
    I am really drawn to the landscape, mountain ranges, horizon lines, etc... The ocean and any open space is always inspirational. More specifically memories of trips to the Southwest, Arizona and New Mexico have been big inspirations for my current work.
  • Describe a person that has inspired you
    I've had so many professors that have helped me along in different ways, this is what inspired me to pursue education. Michael Moore, a retired professor at PAFA taught me so much about the philosophy and spirit behind the creation of art. Kate Moran, a graduate critic of mine was always brutally honest and sincere about my work and always pushed me to be "more specific", a phrase that still sticks in my head today. Two undergraduate professors Jaime Treadwell and Kate Stewart were extremely supportive in my development and have been very supportive in my teaching career as well. Jon Redmond, an incredible observational painter taught me so much about direct painting and painting from life. Last but not least, Brian Magargal, my high school art teacher pushed me to see talent I did not know I had at the time and helped me believe in myself as an artist. So many people! I'm sure I am leaving someone out, I feel very fortunate for all the help I have had along the way.
  • Unearth more inspirational people, places and objects